Migrant Worker Solidarity Working Group (MWSWG)

The Migrant Worker Solidarity Working Group brings together farmers seeking to extend and deepen solidarity with migrant workers in Canada and internationally. We provide information to NFU members, offer recommendations to the NFU National Board, and create a forum for members to share resources, learn together and build relationships.

The NFU has committed to solidarity with migrant workers, both in Canada and internationally. We work through the global La Via Campesina movement to support the struggles of migrant farm workers. We recognize that many migrant workers are farmers who have been forced off the land in their home countries as a result of global trade agreements, resource extraction, the climate crisis, and other injustices.

Within Canada, we acknowledge the structural vulnerabilities that the Temporary Foreign Worker Program creates for people coming to this country to fill vital roles on farms. 

In solidarity with dozens of migrant worker organizations, we’ve joined the calls demanding Permanent Residence status for all. We also join in the call for regulatory changes that empower workers, increase worker agency, and enable all workers to avail themselves of their rights.For questions or to get involved in this work, contact ipccoordinator@nfu.ca

NFU Statements and Actions in Solidarity with Migrant Workers

Permanent status for all 2022

International Workers Day (May Day) 2022, 2023

December 17th International Migrants Day 2022, 2023

Solidarity with Jamaican workers 2022

Policy Briefs

Banner image of cows on a farm

We call on the federal government to resolve the farm labour crisis in ways that  enhance the country’s food security while avoiding the continued reliance on a tier of workers who  are denied and/or prevented from exercising fundamental human rights. 

Resources on Migrant Rights and Justice

La Via Campesina Migration Collective



Migrant Rights Network (MRN)

Migrant Workers Alliance for Change (MWAC)