National Farmers Foundation
Who We Are
The National Farmers Foundation (NFF) is an independent, farmer-led, charitable organization dedicated to the promotion, creation and enhancement of food systems based on the principles of food sovereignty: sustainability, equity, and justice.
Through research, education, and projects that advance these principles we aim to support farmers and food provisioners, workers, and rural communities in Canada. Through our close and long-standing partnership, the NFF seeks to build on and strengthen the work of the National Farmers Union and the progressive farm movement in Canada.
The NFF is governed and run by a seven-person voluntary Board of Directors who upholds the goals, objectives, and policies of the National Farmers Union.
Current Board Members

What We Do
Currently the NFF is developing the capacity to expand our research and education efforts with a focus to equip ourselves with the necessary knowledge, social capital and relationships to effectively develop and implement much-needed alternative land tenure models that would provide greater access of farmland to young and equity deserving people. We want to keep farmland in play for future generations through a number of ways, including collective and cooperative models, long term leasing arrangements of donated land, and ownership of land by non-profits, including community land trusts (CLTs).
The World We Want
The NFU is excited to be working with the NFF on The World We Want project that is building capacity for community organizing activities and further engagement to support farmer-centred food and farm systems that advance rural development. Half of the money donated goes towards the NFU region of your choice for the projects they are working on, the other half, is dedicated to the NFU national office, which supports national issue activities and policy advocacy.
How to Donate and Support Our Work
The NFU is excited to be working with the NFF on The World We Want project that is building capacity for community organizing activities and further engagement to support farmer-centred food and farm systems that advance rural development. Half of the money donated goes towards the NFU region of your choice for the projects they are working on, the other half, is dedicated to the NFU national office, which supports national issue activities and policy advocacy.
The majority of the Foundation’s donations are received from NFU members, and we are deeply grateful for that support. We could not do this work without you.
The National Farmers Foundation is a Registered Canadian Charity (# 882622368 RR0001) and official tax receipts are issued for all contributions of $10.00 or more. If you are in a position to give, please consider making an online (one-time or monthly) donation at: www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/national-farmers-foundation/.
You can also donate by cheque or e-transfer. In addition, the NFF gratefully accepts charitable bequests (instructions in a will leaving either a percentage of one’s estate or a stated dollar amount or NFU building shares to the National Farmers Foundation).
For more information or to discuss other ways to support our work, please get in touch with the NFF Coordinator, Glen Koroluk at glen@nationalfarmersfoundation.ca.
Cheques can be sent to:
National Farmers Foundation c/o Glen Koroluk 595 Goulding St Winnipeg, MB R3G 2S3
If your cheque donation is designated towards The World We Want ensure that your memo indicates what region to invest in.