Youth Advisory Committee
At its founding convention in 1969, the NFU created the NFU Youth as the arm of the Union that would coordinate and represent young farmers nationally in the NFU. The NFU Youth has two dedicated positions on the NFU Board of Directors, the NFU Youth President and Vice President, held by young farmers.
The NFU Youth is a network of young Canadians who are concerned with the future of food and agriculture in Canada and around the world. NFU Youth members are young farmers and farmer supporters committed to building Food Sovereignty: a food system that is economically viable, ecologically sound, socially just and locally focused.
NFU Youth Activities
The NFU Youth works to address key issues of concern to young farmers; connect young farmers across Canada as well as internationally through La Via Campesina; organize educational opportunities; support and encourage new and potential farmers; and collaborate with other organizations that share similar values and objectives. Key activities currently include:
- Youth Retreats. NFU Youth Retreats bring together young farmers from across the country to build relationships, learn from each other, learn about the NFU, and make plans for NFU Youth activities and priorities.
- National New Farmer Coalition. The National New Farmer Coalition is a project driven by NFU Youth members in collaboration with other groups and individuals that are dedicated to growing a new generation of farmers in Canada. More information…
- Young Agrarians. NFU Youth members helped establish Young Agrarians and continue to collaborate on and support their activities. Young Agrarians supports young farmers through their online platform as well as through in-person events and practical training programs.
- Alternative Media. We see great potential in using social media and multi-media to support the work of the National Farmers Union and advance Food Sovereignty. NFU Youth have lead the developent of the NFU Blog, are working on video projects, are developing a photo bank, and are involved in strengthening the NFU’s brand.
- Federal Election Campaign. The 2015 federal election was an important opportunity to put food and farming on the national agenda. NFU Youth collaborated with Food Secure Canada and their partner organizations to develop a New Farmer election plank as part of the Eat Think Vote election campaign.
- Member Benefits. NFU Youth are working to expand the member benefits and services available to NFU members. If you are involved in or know of a business or service that would be willing to offer discounts to NFU members please get in touch.
- Land Access Guide. This is a helpful resource for young farmers looking to start conversations about how to access land to farm. Using templates and case studies it is a useful tool for to help start conversations about succession and land transfer planning. While this guide is developed using Ontario law and the templates aren’t exactly transferable in other provinces the case studies and ideas expressed within are applicable to anyone exploring these questions of land access and transfer.
Why the NFU?
Any youth, including non-farm youth, 14 to 35 years of age can become a member. Any farm youth, ages 14 to 21, is automatically a member under her or his family’s membership. Farm youth from ages 21 through 25 can buy a yearly youth membership for $98, while farm youth from 26 to 35 are required to buy a full membership. Non-farm youth can buy an associate membership for $65 and have all membership privileges except the right to vote or hold elected office.
For more information, or to connect with NFU youth, please contact nfuyouth@nfu.ca.
Youth Advisory Committee

Regional Members