Policy: 2020

PEI’s Land and Water Need Protection, says NFU
PEI’s Land and Water Need Protection, says NFU

The concerns surrounding our land can’t be separated from the usage of water. If exploitation of the land is allowed to continue, then exploitation of water will increase. The NFU takes the position that if the role of water is to be extended in agriculture production, then its usage must be a regulated part of a far broader strategy that addresses stewardship of the land and the greater good of farmers, the environment, and rural communities.

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Creating the Foundation for a Climate-friendly Post-Pandemic Food System for Canadians
Creating the Foundation for a Climate-friendly Post-Pandemic Food System for Canadians

The COVID 19 pandemic is providing a real-life stress test for our food system, revealing gaps and weaknesses as well as strengths and resilience, highlighting both needs and opportunities that require funding in Budget 2021.

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Envisioning a Post-Pandemic Agriculture and Food System
Envisioning a Post-Pandemic Agriculture and Food System

A sustainable and just food system for Canada as proposed by the NFU will mitigate and prevent multiple cascading crises and provide the foundation of a good life.

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Meat packing concentration makes Canada’s food system vulnerable
Meat packing concentration makes Canada’s food system vulnerable

The National Farmers Union (NFU) offers heartfelt condolences to family and friends of the Cargill beef packing plant worker who lost her life  to COVID-19 on April 20. The COVID-19

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Bill C-4 makes unnecessary and harmful amendments to Canada Grain Act
Bill C-4 makes unnecessary and harmful amendments to Canada Grain Act

Bill C-4, the Canada–United States–Mexico Agreement Implementation Act, amended certain existing laws to bring them into conformity with Canada’s obligations under the CUSMA Agreement. A review of witness statements shows

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