NFU Region 1-District 1 - Atlantic (PEI)

Convention Archive

Browse outlines and presentations from past NFU conventions.

  • NFU Convention 2022

    53rd Convention (2022)

    With costs rising, numbers of farmers dropping and a corporate world thriving like we’ve never seen before, the NFU’s 53rd National Convention was about confronting concentration in our food system.

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  • 54th Convention — The Future of Farming: In Our Hands (2023)

    NFU’s 54th annual convention The Future of Farming: In Our Hands in the nation’s capital, Ottawa (and online through zoom) is one for the books! Following energized actions from lobbying day, a

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  • 52nd Convention (2021)

    The NFU’s 52nd convention examined issues around food sovereignty and food justice, and took up the topic of envisioning agriculture for the common good.

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  • NFU/UNF 51st Convention 2020 nanner

    51st Convention (2020)

    This convention, the first of our entirely online conventions in the COVID pandemic, centered around collectively articulating and sharing a vision for a post-COVID Food System.

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  • NFU 50th Convention: Farmers on the Front Line

    50th Convention (2019)

    Fifty years ago, the National Farmers Union held its very first national convention in Winnipeg, Manitoba. This year, we were back to celebrate our achievements, honour the members whose dedication and wisdom helped us achieve so much, pass on the lessons we’ve learned along the way, and help shape our vision for our next fifty…

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  • nfu49-banner-stylized-01

    49th Convention (2018)

    Our 2018 theme – Unleashing the Potential of Food Sovereignty –  challenges the government’s corporate-led Barton Report, Unleashing the Growth Potential of Key Sectors, contrasting it with Food Sovereignty’s potential to drive community-based prosperity.

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  • 2017 farm renewal banner

    48th Annual Convention (2017)

    We have lost more than a quarter of the farms across Canada and the average farmer age continues to climb. Many farmers are looking for ways to pass on their operations to a new generation of farmers. At the 48th Convention, the NFU explored how we can reimagine, restore and reinvigorate rural Canada.

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  • NFU47-farm-renewal-thumb

    47th Annual Convention (2016)

    Climate change is arguably the most crucial issue of our time. Agriculture is directly affected by climate change, but is also a major greenhouse gas emitter globally. We need to change our practices to adapt and reduce our emissions. Agriculture exists in a changing economic, political and cultural climate as well. Trade agreements, regulations, subsidies,…

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  • NFU46-convention-soil-our-common-ground-thumb

    46th Annual Convention (2015)

    Healthy soil is the foundation of the food system. Soil filters our water, provides essential nutrients to our forests and crops, and helps regulate the Earth’s temperature and greenhouse gases. This year’s convention highlighted the need for policies and practices to protect our soil and our common ground.

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  • 45th Annual Convention (2014)

    Inequitable and undemocratic government policies that benefit transnational agri-business corporations are cornering farmers, driving them to dangerous levels of debt, lost marketing opportunities and more expensive inputs. This year’s Convention theme, “Claiming our Livelihoods”, highlighted the need for public policy that re-establishes a fair economic playing field – one that strengthens opportunities for family farmers…

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