The National Farmers Union (NFU) BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Colour) Caucus is hosting a series of in-person farmer-led events coast to coast to coast! We are inviting current and aspiring BIPOC farmers and farm workers together to connect, learn, and organize together.
The NFU BIPOC Caucus has identified access to technical training as a barrier to entering farming, especially led by BIPOC producers. We also have a desire and a need to connect with and unite alongside BIPOC producers. In union, we are strong – and at the core of collective work, is relationships. We are so thrilled to offer financially-supported opportunities to bring BIPOC farmers and farm workers together to build relationships and learn. Aspiring BIPOC farmers / farm workers / adjacent food workers welcome!
Join us for our Ontario gathering! All local BIPOC growers are invited to join us at Pfenning’s Organic Farm to take a tractor training workshop led by migrant workers and supported by members of the NFU BIPOC Caucus. The day will include formal training and the opportunity to connect with other BIPOC farmers and farm workers and discuss community building and an exploration of our collective struggles and policy opportunities.
Where: Pfenning’s Organic Farm, New Hamburg, ON
When: May 6, 2023
What: Tractor training 101 & exploring our connections, collective struggles, and policy opportunities
We have planned a number of supports to help you attend in-person:
Attendees to this event are able to receive a gas stipend for travel, and lunch and refreshments will be provided.
After you register, more information will be sent to your email on how to access financial support for travel (gas stipend) & the event’s fine details! Any questions can be directed to
Are you coming? Bring a friend along too! Help us organize an impactful connecting opportunity. Attendees will have the opportunity to apply for a subsidized first year NFU membership if you face financial barriers and aren’t a member yet.
In solidarity!
Who we are
The National Farmers Union (NFU) is the national farm organization committed to family and cooperative farms. Promoting agroecology and food sovereignty, the NFU does not waver in our vision for farmers, farm workers, eaters, and the land, embedded in social and economic justice.
The NFU envisions a future with no barriers to racialized farmers & farm workers accessing land & growing sustainable farm operations. BIPOC farmers & farm workers form the BIPOC Caucus. The Caucus is committed to organizing our collective power, advancing the NFU’s mandate, deepening networks of support, peer-to-peer knowledge sharing, and promoting equitable livelihoods.
This project is funded [in part] by the Government of Canada.Ce projet est financé [en partie] par le gouvernement du Canada.