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Virtual Event Virtual Event

Green Grabbing & IPES-Food Land Squeeze Report

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12 Noon PDT (BC) / 1 PM MDT (AB, SK) / 2PM CDT (MB) / 3PM EDT (ON, QB) / 4PM ADT (NB, NS, PEI)

Virtual Event Virtual Event

March 13 @ 12:00 pm 1:30 pm PDT

Unprecedented pressures on global farmland from “green” initiatives like carbon offsets, tree plantations, and biofuel crops are accelerating and converging in a  land squeeze that is  driving a surge in land inequality, rural poverty, and food insecurity – and risking a tipping point for smallholder agriculture.

The Land Squeeze Report published by the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food) details ongoing land dispossession as new forms of land grabs proliferate. Sofía Monsalve Suárez will highlight the problems and discuss the solutions that IPES-Food proposes., We will also hear how countries like Colombia are currently working towards such solutions.

Event Presenter(s)

Sofía Monsalve Suárez is a member of the IPES-Food panel, and the secretary general of FIAN International – an international human rights organization working for the right to food and nutrition. Before becoming secretary general in 2016, she coordinated FIAN’s program on land and natural resources for more than 15 years. This work included close collaboration with peasants, family farmers, landless people, fisher folks, indigenous peoples and rural workers organizations.