National | Letters

March 8th International Women’s Day message

The National Farmers Union Invites you to stand and celebrate International Women’s Day with one another, and all women of the world. 

We lend our voices in solidarity and unity with those of our sisters in La Via Campesina and other global social movements, and to the women organizing in communities everywhere. We honour those women who have come before us, and whose knowledge guides us, the youth and generations to come. We stand in solidarity with LGBTQ2S+, Black, Indigenous and Women of Colour. We celebrate women who are workers, protectors, nurturers, and defenders of seed, water, earth, and all life.   

We denounce the systems of oppression and violence that negatively impact the lives of girls and women worldwide and whose struggles have in many ways greatly increased during the pandemic. As members of La Via Campesina we support the campaign against the harmful systems of oppression and colonialism and demand  an end to the virus of Patriarchy and Capitalism. We demand a just feminist recovery that serves to correct the crisis that has come as a result of an unyielding thirst for the growth and profit that comes at the cost of human, social, and environmental destruction.We support the ratification and implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas (UNDROP), to recognize the rights of peasants and women.

Please join us in creating a post to recognize International Women’s Day 2021, and what it means to you. Use the hashtags #8M2021 #WomenInTheStruggle #FoodSovereigntyNOW #NFUCanada #LaVia Campesina to share images, stories, poems, videos or music to commemorate this day with us.

See the full statement by Women of La Via Campesina here: