Region 1-District 3 | Letters

National Farmers Union Nova Scotia concerned by Premier Houston’s suggestion to “take the no out of Nova Scotia”

Nova Scotia’s food sovereignty is being put at risk by Premier Houston’s suggestion to open up the province to extractive industries including uranium mining, fracking for natural gas, and oil and gas exploration on fertile fishing grounds. A decreasing number of farmers, climate change, and unstable markets already plague our food system. The state of agriculture does not have the capacity to take on increased environmental precarity from polluting industries. Houston’s willingness to welcome extractive industries by overturning bans and moratoriums puts at risk the precious land, soil, and water that this province, that Mi’kma’ki, has to offer. This makes it harder to believe his claim to support traditional industries including farming, fishing and forestry, not to mention upholding treaty obligations.

A report by the Halifax Regional Municipality in 20202, stated that Nova Scotia imports 87% of its food, so if we are looking to become more self-reliant, as outlined as a goal in Houston’s caucus memo, shortening our food pathways and investing more in sustainable farming practices should be top priorities.

Fracking, pipelines, and offshore drilling bans were put in place and are supported by Nova Scotians and multiple Mi’kmaw communities. In our efforts for food sovereignty, we strive to uphold our obligations under the Peace and Friendship Treaties and work alongside Mi’kmaw land defenders to protect our shared environment.  Our government must not break the trust of Nova Scotians by introducing plans they did not mention in their platform during the recent election. We need our government to rebuild our province’s food system and reimagine a more just and sustainable future that centres food sovereignty.

1. Premier Tim Houston Unveils Push For More Natural Resource Development in Nova Scotia. Jan 22, 2025. Accessed Jan 23, 2025.
2. Step 1 – Learning About Community Food Security.