National | Media Release

NFU Statement Against Violence and For Life

We, the farmers of the National Farmers Union, rise today and every day to stand with our sisters across the globe as we take Action for Life and Against Violence. We defend our rights to life, seeds, food, land, water, and our own bodies. We defend the right to live free of the violent and oppressive systems of patriarchy and capitalist greed that perpetuate the violence experienced by our womxn across all borders. It is imperative that we all stand together to create a new vision of our lives that honours every woman and the mother earth.

During this global pandemic, the many women who have homes are unable to safely stay home to protect themselves and others due to this violence under unsafe circumstances in their homes and lives. With a dramatic increase in reports of gender-based violence throughout every country, and the attempt to remove the hard-fought rights of women in many, it is dire to stand and support one another in any way we possibly can. We support every organization that seeks to remove women from these brutal circumstances and protect us from the violence that occurs on a day to day basis, fuelled by increased mental health struggles and an extreme hatred and opposition to change from those who fear our power to organize and create this change.

We collectively denounce the intersectional violence experienced by BIPOC and LGBTQ2S+ farmers, peasants, and persons at the hands of racism, misogyny, and colonialism that they continue to experience at a rate much more deadly than any other. We struggle together against the dispossession indigenous of the land and the territories that once fed us, and reclaim the struggle to feed ourselves and our families through food sovereignty and agroecological practices. We must seize this day and every day to create new and supportive systems that serve us and aim to lift us up together rather than rip us apart. We honour the lives of the many missing and murdered indigenous women and girls and the genocide that continues to through our collective inaction.

Today we raise our voices to join the chorus of the many globally who seek to end the violence experienced each and every day on this crucial 2020 International Day of Action to End gender-based violence and all systems that uphold it. We rise to create a new vision with every person for a more just and caring world to live in. We ask all our allies, and every person to take actions large and small to create this change with us.