
Tried and True: The Case for Reinstituting Efficacy Testing for Non-Fertilizer Supplements
Reinstating efficacy testing for non-fertilizer supplements in Canada will enhance agricultural sustainability, support soil health, and provide farmers with scientifically validated, cost-effective solutions.
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Canadian Agriculture by the Numbers
A brief summary and analysis of important statistics pertaining to Canadian agriculture – including farmland area, value, population, and finance – and how they have changed in the past 20 years.
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Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Saskatchewan: A Comprehensive Assessment
Saskatchewan is central to Canadian agriculture, with roughly 40% of Canadian cropland, 20% of the Canadian cattle herd, and 20% of gross farm income. Saskatchewan also makes up roughly 30%
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Guidance to providing your input to AAFC’s Sustainable Agriculture Strategy
The NFU has created a guideline for how you might want to respond to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s (AAFC) questionnaire towards developing a 25-year Sustainable Agriculture Strategy. Use this as
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Sustainable Agriculture Strategy—8 Things You Need to Know
The federal government and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) have initiated a process to develop a 25-year Sustainable Agriculture Strategy (SAS). The NFU is one of 21 organizations on the
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NAFTA renegotiation provides opening for renewed US attack on Canadian wheat grading framework
The stated desire to expand the volume of US wheat exports into Canada is not a believable reason for demands to gain access to our grading system. However, it would benefit the multinational grain companies that support the US wheat lobby to dismantle our CGC grading system and instead have all wheat sold on specifications instead of by class and grade.
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FAQs about the Wheat Class System
The CGC is the federal government agency that regulates grain handling in Canada and certifies the quality, safety and quantity of export shipments of Canadian grain.
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Bill C-18, A Corporate Agribusiness Promotion Act
Bill C-18, the "Agricultural Growth Act" omnibus bill, amending several federal agricultural laws, was introduced in Parliament on December 9, 2013. If passed, it will give multi-national agri-business much more money, power and control while increasing farmers' costs and reducing farmers’ autonomy and Canadian sovereignty. The NFU has identified key points based on its detailed analysis.
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Bill C-18 and Farmers’ Privilege – What is the whole story?
Federal Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz claims that Bill C-18, the Agriculture Growth Act, will not stop farmers from saving seed. But is he telling the whole story?
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