Welcome to Region 6, the gorgeous Province of Saskatchewan! We are an engaged, active group of farmers and non-farming members from across the Province. Region 6 is also home to the National Office, on the north end of Saskatoon. Join us in our efforts to build a vibrant farm and food system in Saskatchewan!
The National Farmers Union is organized regionally. Each Region holds an annual convention where regional officers are elected and resolutions brought forward by members of the region are debated. Resolutions that are passed at the regional level are then debated and voted on at the annual National Convention. One board member from each region serves as the Regional Coordinator.
The Treaty Land Sharing Network (TLSN) is a group of farmers, ranchers, and other landholders who have come together to begin the crucial work of honouring Treaties. In the spirit of sharing the land, members of the network welcome First Nations and Métis people to access the land that they farm to harvest food and medicines and practice their way of life. TLSN is committed to implementing the Treaty relationship, engaging in ongoing learning, and establishing a different way forward for rural Saskatchewan.
Region 6 (Saskatchewan) Updates
Region 6 (Saskatchewan) Elected Representatives
Board Members

Advisory Committee Members
Vacant positions: Women’s Advisory Committee Representative, BIPOC Representative

Upcoming Events
Want to get involved in the food sovereignty movement? Check out an upcoming event.