See also the NFU web style guide (always in progress).
Contact info shortcodes
Shortcodes enable you to post snippets of content that don’t get outdated. If you use (306) 652-9465 to post the main phone number of the NFU in a post or page, it’ll stay updated if/when you update your phone number in the NFU Contact Preferences area, even if the page is quite old.
These shortcodes output nice links to the contact information you have set up in the contact settings and the social media settings.
The shortcodes won’t return anything if you don’t have them filled in in the contact field.
This outputs a link to the NFU’s main email address:
(306) 652-9465
This outputs a link to the NFU’s main phone line:
(306) 652-9465
(306) 664-6226
This outputs the NFU’s main fax line, with an icon (unlinked):
(306) 664-6226
This outputs a link to the NFU’s Facebook page:
This outputs a link to the NFU’s Facebook page:
National Farmers Union
This outputs the NFU’s full name, linked to the homepage:
National Farmers Union
This outputs the NFU’s full name in French, linked to the homepage:
This outputs the NFU’s full name in English AND French, linked to the homepage:
This outputs the NFU’s full address as a single line, with the name linked to the homepage.
This outputs the NFU’s full address as a block, with the name linked.
Union Nationale des Fermiers
2717 Wentz Ave
Saskatoon, SK
S7K 4B6
(306) 652-9465 (phone)
(306) 664-6226 (fax)
This outputs the NFU’s full contact info as a block, with links.
Union Nationale des Fermiers
2717 Wentz Ave
Saskatoon, SK
S7K 4B6
(306) 652-9465 (phone)
(306) 664-6226 (fax)
This outputs the NFU’s social media presences as a linked menu:
(We’ll be adding features to this shortcode so it can display in different styles, other than the “ghost” style in the footer)
Post shortcodes
We no longer use a shortcode to output lists of posts, use the Post Listing block type or the Query Loop blocktype.